Attractive solutions for occupational pension provision
The 2nd pillar (occupational pension) is a great way to secure a standard of living in old age. Structural problems, however, present pension funds with ever greater challenges. Interest rates have been falling for years, life expectancy is increasing and the fixed conversion rate is straining solidarity in the system.
In order to finance pension benefits, substantial amounts have to be redistributed every year, which reduces the effective interest rate for the current insured and burdens each individual’s retirement capital. There are interesting solutions that protect you from this – we would be happy to show you how you can optimally structure your occupational pension provision.
One key element is an outsourced pension plan in accordance with BVG 1e for salaries of CHF 129,060 or more, often known as a 1e plan for managers. The term “BVG 1e” refers to paragraph 1e of the Federal Ordinance BVV 2, which in particular allows the choice of an individual investment strategy and protects pension capital from redistribution.
PARSUMO has many years of experience in advising and managing pension funds. As an independent specialist and partner, we support private and corporate clients in setting up the appropriate pension structure and in managing their pension assets.
The occupational benefit scheme offers a number of advantages
The 2nd pillar is the most tax-advantageous form of saving for all active gainfully employed persons in Switzerland:
- the savings phase is tax-free, the pension capital is exempt from wealth tax
- voluntary contributions can be deducted from income tax and reduce taxable net assets
- withdrawals at retirement are made at reduced tax rates
- Collective insurance cover is more cost-effective than individual solutions.
Saving costs and increase retirement capital with BVG 1e plans
PARSUMO has many years of experience in advising and managing pension assets. As an independent specialist and partner, we assist private and corporate clients in setting up the right structure for occupational pension provision and in managing their pension assets.
Our guiding values
Convincing offer in the are of occupational pension provision
- Independent advice and support for companies and private individuals
- Analysis and evaluation of suitable BVG 1e solutions
- Setting up and optimising BVG structures
- Solutions for vested benefits
- Asset management for pension assets
We know the various providers, have extensive knowledge of the pension market and will find the solution that best suits your needs. Our database contains around 60 pension foundations and forms the basis for selecting the right structure for you.
PARSUMO also has many years of experience in the field of professional asset management. Our investment philosophy follows a quantitative approach and is based on extensive statistical analyses with a strong focus on risk management.
Your advantages
- Tailor-made structure for occupational pension plans
- Transparent analysis and independent selection (no commission from providers)
- Cost savings and reduction of administrative effort
- Identification of tax optimisation opportunities
- Pension advice and asset management from a single source
With a solid pension solution, you create the foundation for enjoying your life financially without worries, even after your active working life. We support you in planning your finances and show you where there are opportunities for optimisation. We will find the best solution available on the market for you. The focus is on your personal needs, life goals and
Discussion brings clarity
Which structure is suitable for your occupational benefit scheme? How can you optimise your pension benefits? How does redistribution affect your retirement capital? Are voluntary purchases into the pension fund worthwhile? We would be happy to discuss these and other questions in a personal meeting.