Political markets have short legs. Is this year no different? Read about three possible scenarios and how they could impact the financial markets. Continue
Risk Regime Investing
Investment Management Update – July 2020
Stock markets and investors are brimming with confidence, and quotations ignore every warning, no matter how clear. Rightly so, or is it inefficient? Continue
Investment Management Update – April 2020
Records across the board, we wrote in our last report. The record levels set in 2019 are now in shambles. However, the first quarter of 2020 also has records to show – albeit with opposite market movements. Continue
Investment Management Update – January 2020
The year 2019 will go down in history – not only because of the extent of the reported performance, but also because of the breadth of asset classes that have experienced these increases in value. Nearly all investments have achieved a clearly positive or record performance. Continue
Investment Management Update – October 2019
In the third quarter of 2019, the international stock markets moved sideways in a slightly positive range and bond yields fell significantly. Contrary to many fears, however, neither the escalation of the Brexit conflict nor the attack on Saudi Arabia’s oil production were able to shake the financial markets sustainably. Continue
Investment Management Update – July 2019
Some normality returned to the markets in the second quarter of 2019, albeit only in terms of the pace of advances. Continue
Investment Management Update – April 2019
The first quarter of 2019 will go down in history as the one that broke every record of the last 30 years. Who would have predicted that? The honest answer from most investors would be «hardly anyone». Continue
Investment Management Update – January 2019
Investors had a very difficult year in 2018, with almost all traditional asset classes and markets closing with negative returns. The portfolio results were spoiled by December in particular, when significant losses were recorded across the board. Continue
Investment Management Update – October 2018
In the international equity markets, the decoupling of the US from the rest of the world continues. Divergence of the markets in favor of the USA and at the expense of Europe and the emerging markets has been observed for some months now and was even more pronounced in the third quarter of 2018. Continue
Investment Management Update – July 2018
The first half of 2018 was a difficult period for the international equity markets. Volatility rose sharply at the start of February, and despite subsiding in March has remained at a considerably higher (but more normal) level than in 2016-2017. Continue